
We had a fairwell party with Ms.Amie. The time of the preparation was small. But, it became a good parting meeting. I troubled home.
Children prepared the respectively little present. For example, the photograph it was reflected with Ms.Amie. , the paper balloon, the chopsticks, the chopstick rest, the bookmark, the beanbags, the letterI appreciate children's parents. Sentimental Ms.Amie. made an eye be wet with the tears. Then, the last massage was said to each child. She opens a letter and the present, and talks slowly. Therefore, it took time beyond the prearranged double. These may have been good recollections.
And, three groups got the opportunity of the announcement in this parting meeting.
These groups hadn't been announced in the interchange meeting yet. The boy who liked a computer announced it about "the history of the Macintosh". Three boys of the baseball part announced it about "Japanese professional baseball" (Ichiro, Nagashima, Oh). The announcement with interweaving it was pretty wonderful the batting form , too.
Then, a "the picture-story show of Kasajizou" group was announced, too.
Usual "Smile Again" was sung at the end, and a parting meeting was finished. I was taking a picture chiefly.

 各ご家庭には、ご迷惑をおかけいたしました。それぞれ子供たちは、かさばらずしかも思い出になるようなものを準備していました。たとえば、紙風船、箸、こま、箸置き、栞、お手玉、心のこもった手紙・しかも英文、エイミー先生と写った写真・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・    感謝、感謝です。
 最後にいつもの「Smile Again」を歌って、お別れ会を終了しました。司会は、どちらかというとエイミー先生との触れあいが苦手だった男の子二人が務めました。私は、もっぱら写真を撮っておりました。  

Message of Ms.Amie
Announced about the baseball
the picture-story show of Kasajizou
A lot of presents


エイミー, to have been living together so far and to have been to do what sensation being or?we were very delightful.
At first, it thought whether or not our English was well-informed.
To say that were well accustomed now but that it is necessary to part to have been accustomed is sad.
From now, too, let's speak using the mail.
It ends in this.
Thank you for being to do the period being which is short.